About me

I have always been intrigued by art. It has been important to me since my childhood, and has helped me to find my place in the world. Creating a work of art, the passionate shaping of something new, is a source of unparalleled joy. Every one of my works is part of my personality, telling a story which may be loud or quiet – it does not matter which. I have never been a wordsmith; my works speak for me, expressing the thoughts and feelings which I cannot put into words.
I first experienced the excitement of creation at the age of twelve, when I met the jewellery designer Rita Szőllősi. She taught me how to realize my ideas. As I acquired the basics of the jeweller’s craft, I learned to dare to create something new. For me it has always been very important to create something that did not exist before. A few years later Rita took me to a Christmas exhibition at the Museum of Applied Arts, where I managed to sell several pieces of my jewellery. As a child that was a special experience for me.
Not long after that my family moved to Brussels, where I continued my high school studies. The change of surroundings enriched me with new experiences. I received so many impressions all at once that I had to release them somehow, and this is how I started painting. By the age of fifteen I was already interested in abstract painting more than any other style. I am intrigued by this mode of expression. I feel that non-figurative images are more mysterious, yet at the same time more honest. When I look at abstract paintings, they affect me much more strongly than work in any other style. I feel they speak to me in the most sincere manner, and I like the fact that they also tell their story with concealment.
A few years later I continued my studies at Richmond, the American International University in London, majoring in Fashion Business, Marketing and Management, as well as in Art, Design, and Media. My art classes aroused in me a keen interest in surrealism, a style in which I produced more and more graphics. It was interesting to experience how I can express my thoughts and feelings in this artistic mode. During my undergraduate studies my classmates and teachers showed a keen interest in my drawings, so I decided to print my surreal graphics on T-shirts. Each graphic design depicts a different personality, a different atmosphere; and even if young people cannot buy the original work, they can at least express their personality through T-shirts.
My interest in abstract and surrealist art has remained with me ever since that time, even though these two artistic styles differ from each other – one being non-figurative and the other figurative. I enjoy drawing – when I can only represent my thoughts with a graphite pencil – just as much as painting, which brings my feelings to life through colour and technique.
I have always been interested in the science of the “divine proportion”, as well as the spatial play of the three dimensions. Both my drawings and paintings reflect this philosophy.
Interestingly, for some years I have only worn black; I do not feel good wearing any other colour. Yet when I paint, colours inspire me and activate my imagination. For each of my paintings, my first step is to find the harmony of colours to express my current emotions and thoughts.
When I sit with my paints and canvases, I feel I am exactly where I need to be, doing what I have always wanted to do.
My Portfolio
Divina Proportione
The secret behind the golden ratio, the “Phi” has been a strong interest of mine…
My first painting’s title that I have made during the quarantine is called Outburst…
Decoding life
What is life? How can we describe it? Why are things happening with us? What’s the purpose…
Everything and nothing
I believe there are two sides to everything. Yin Yang perfectly represents this…